Another Time & Place

A place to relax and reminisce. Here you'll find nostalgia, memorabilia, history, anything from the past.

Monday, February 13, 2006

For His Birthday - A Spotlight on Jack Benny

Yes, once again it's time to celebrate Jack Bennys' birthday. Born on February 14, 1894, which would make him just about 39 if he were alive today. Really!

At this website you'll find a wealth of information about his life and career. There are links on the upper right side of the page to two other pages of info. On the last page, on the bottom left menu, you'll find MP3 links to a four part Jack Benny Story I know you'll enjoy. To save you the trouble, I'll give you the direct download links:

Of course, I'm also posting a link to one of his birthday radio shows:

In this episode, everyone plans surprise parties for Jack, but being frustrated, thinking everyone's forgotten his birthday, Jack goes to the movies to watch 'The Horn Blows at Midnight', and misses everything.

On a side note, I just happen to have the old radio version of The Horn Blows at Midnight in MP3, but don't remember where I got it. If I got it from a website (as opposed to Usenet where most of my shows came from), I'll be sure to post a link in the future, if I can find it.


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