Monty Python Video Clip
Just thought I'd share a little 6 minute video clip of a couple of skits I've found. Whilst wandering aimlessly about the 'net, following one shiny object after another, till finally I tripped over an anti-Masonic website called The Impious Digest, which happened to have a video clip of two Python skits making fun of Masons. The photo above, is a scene from the second skit entitled "How to give up being a Mason". The first one's entitled "Architect sketch". You'll have to use Real Player to stream it, so if you're interested, here's the direct link:
Here's a page with the text of the episode that contains the sketches: Episode Seventeen The site is framed, so to get to the main page you'll have to use this link: Just The Words. I found the photo at another site, in the Free Stuff section of Monty Pythons' PythoNET. And just for the hell of it, the Sound clip page of yet another Python site.
And now for something completely different......
If I still have any readers out there, bare with me, I intend to post more often, but I've been thwarted the last few days by gremlins in the blogspot system. While creating this post, I discovered that photo uploads aren't working, so I had to host it myself. I'm not even sure I'll be able to post this at all, until I actually see it posted. They've been working on (screwing up) the system for days now, and I'll be glad when they're done