"Once bound by cereal boxes, held in the pages of a magazine, wrapped up in envelopes sent through our postal system or given away casually with some product, these bits of paper and plastic yearned to be set free to fulfill their destiny as...
"Come and take an aural and visual journey through a partial history of these strange but true recorded anomolies."
Remember those? You'd have to be at least as old as I am, to have actually gotten them originally. I had a bunch, mostly from cereal boxes, and Mad Magazines. Until I found this site, I'd totally forgotten them. Of course, I don't have them anymore, they weren't exactly made to last.
There certainly are some odd ones here. They've got a clip from Nixons' party nomination speech from '68. I kid you not. They have Real Audio clips you can play, though they only last about half a minute, but they did bring back memories. I wish they played at least three or four minutes each (sigh).
Check them out. They're short, but sweet!